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11 K.M. Stone Delhi Road, Near Hisar Cantt, Hisar (Haryana)
Vermiculite Gypsum Plaster Preparation
Vermiculite is a micaceous mineral (hydrated silicates of
Aluminium, Magnesium and Iron) which are insoluble in
water and other organic solvents. It occurs as golden brown
to greenish flakes. It is abundantly found in Andhra
Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Rajasthan. Andhra
Pradesh is the leading producer of Vermiculite in India.
Vermiculite is mined as a rock & is crushed & graded prior to
exfoliate. Vermiculite is exfoliated (heated at 870° C)
before its final use. The bulk density of vermiculite in
natural form is between 600- 1050 Kg/m¹ and after
exfoliation 65-130 Kg/m². It is used in building material to
make them acoustic and fire resistant. Vermiculite is also
used as a packaging medium and for annealing of steel. In
horticulture it is used as a growing material
Vermiculite gypsum plaster is prepared by mixing
of exfoliated vermiculite with a definite proportion
of gypsum plaster. It is very versatile mineral
because of its thermal stability. Due to longer
setting time less wastage as compared to others.
Vermiculite gypsum plaster is clean to handle & is
sterile due to high temperature treatment.
- Used for both interior and exterior building structures.
- Improved coverage & workability
- Long time durability
- Light-weight
- Better adhesion to a wide range of back-grounds
- Excellent fire resistance
- Sound acoustic
- Non toxic & odourless
- Make a 4-6 mm plaster points on the surface to be plastered & the maximum thickness of applied plaster should be in the range of 3-15 mm.
- The level should be checked by marking the points parallel & right angles to each other
- Then treat the background /surface with water to remove dirt & allow the surface to soak water.
- Add plaster in the water & mix it thoroughly by hands/ mechanical stirrer, making a homogenous paste.
- Now apply the plaster on the desired surface by holding plaster hawk in the left hand & trowel in your right hand.
- Then use aluminium straight edge to remove the extra plaster covering the entire area & then allowing it to set.
- Always add gypsum vermiculite plaster to the water and not water to the powder.
- Clean the bucket regularly before mixing new batch to avoid shortening of setting time & to avoid loss of plaster strength.
- Clean the tools properly after each application to avoid line marks & to get better results of the product used.
- For ceilings it is most important that concrete slab should be clean, dry and free from mould oil.
- It is always advisable to wet the wall & ceiling surface to achieve good workability.